Banca dati musicale
Informazioni sul titolo
When Your Heart Is Weak
Cock Robin

Data di registrazione
Campione audio
Peter Kingsbery (Compositore, Autore del testo)
* 2.12.1952, Phoenix, Arizona (AZ), Stati Uniti d'America
Informazioni sull'album
The Best Of ...
Cock Robin

Anno di produzione
Casa discografica
- 1. When your heart is weak
- 2. El norte
- 3. It's only make believe
- 4. Just around the corner
- 5. The promise you made
- 6. The biggest fool of all
- 7. Don't think twice, it's all right
- 8. Worlds apart
- 9. Thought you were on my side
- 10. Straighter line
- 11. The part that I miss
- 12. Hunting down a killer
- 13. Cowards courage
- 14. Have you any sympathy ?
- 15. Any more than I could understand
- 16. A little innocence